


As a policy of tracking the International Inspection agencies (REI) joined the following bodies:-

Iraq Business men Union.
Iraqi-French Business men Union.
Iraqi Society of Engineering Inspection and Civil Protection.
Iraqi Society of Quality and Reliability.
Iraqi Radiation Detection and Protection central Organization.

In addition (REI) is qualified as a local Partner with the following companies:-

BP Iraq N.V.
CNPC of China.
Siemens S.A. (D-U-N-S) No. (557731453).
Fluor of USA.
Shell Iraq.


(R.E.I) within one year of its assignment succeeded to demonstrate highly appreciated competence and skill in meeting its customer requirements with obvious independency, neutrality and commitment to the international Codes and Standards requirements and this encouraged a reputed companies around the world to invest (R.E.I) capabilities in supporting them in the Construction, Rehabilitation, Training and Qualification projects awarded to them by Iraq MOO, MOE. MOI and other private and governmental parties such as:-


[*]     Hitachi Corp. of Japan. Cooperation in the fields of Power Boilers Assessment and Rehabilitation.


[*]     Baltic Control of Denmark - (R.E.I) Agreement for performing Offloading and Receiving Inspection.


[*]     BV - (R.E.I) cooperation for performing Inspection, NDE and Tank Calibration.


[*]     ATG of Czech Republic - (R.E.I) Power of Attorney for performing Inspection, NDE, Training, Qualification and Certification activities inside Iraq.


[*]      Chiltren-TMC of England - (R.E.I) Agreement for Qualification and Certification for ISO 9001 and other ISO standards.


[*]     BM TRADA Middle East - (R.E.I) cooperation for performing Training, Qualification and Certification.


 (R.E.I) has a flexible quality assurance/ quality control programs which may be adapted to the request of the customer (main contractor, sub contractor) and to the type or nature of the work (shop and special yard fabrication, constructions of projects, routine inspection, major repairs of equipment etc.). Below is sample of QC/QA organization adopted by (R.E.I) in sites.

For Engineering Inspection Ltd.